COVID-19: Monaco Private Security, more than ever at your side

For 45 years Monaco Private Security has been providing a 24/7 service to its clients, because security is an essential area and a shutdown is not an option.
The COVID-19 pandemic is shaking up our lifestyles and leads us to constantly adjust our system in order to protect our clients and employees, while ensuring the continuity of our services, the essential nature of which the Prince’s Government has recalled. The restrictive measures put in place impact us all, the containment and closure of your establishments also generate situations conducive to fraud and theft. We have therefore set up a service dedicated to this type of risk in order to offer you adapted solutions.
Monaco Private Security, your security partner, remains more than ever at your side and rest assured of our full determination to provide you with the best quality of service in this exceptional context.
Thank you for your loyalty and for your trust. Take care of yourself and your loved ones in these difficult times.